
Kako raširiti svoja ramena? Uz pomoć OVA TRI poteza bićete SAVRŠENI


San svakog muškarca su široka i snažna ramena, ali ono što većina zaboravlja jeste da trebaju trenirati bezbjedno. Fitness trener Ebenzer Samuel na svom Instagram profilu pokazao je tri vježbe uz pomoću kojih ćete imati čvrsta i snažna ramena.

Dizanje girja jednom rukom

Kleknite na tlo držeći girju u ruci. Kičma mora biti prava. Girju polako dižite prema gore. Kada ispružite ruku polako je spuštajte do ugla od 90 stepeni. Ponovite tri seta od osam do deset ponavljanja.

Shoulder workout that focuses on productivity bang for weight buck. Training shoulders crazy heavy is fun and all but…this is a delicate joint, so getting muscle stimulation from less weight has value. 1) bottoms up single-arm kettlebell press, 3 sets of 8-10 reps per arm: do these kneeling too, as it will help balance your core. That bottoms up position forces you to utilize a TON of forearm and shoulder control to level the bell. 2) kneeling kettlebell halos, 2 to a side, 14-16 total reps, 3 sets. Underrated focus on this, breath down through your abs so you control your ribcage as much as possible. 3) incline bench pause lateral raises, 3 sets, 12 reps. Work to keep those dumbbells parallel to the ground at ALL times, especially at the top. That way, you’re keeping your shoulders in slight external rotation, which will protect your rotator cuffs and labrums. Also, note that this isn’t a pure lateral raise out to the sides; I’m actually 20 or so degrees toward the front. Aim for a 2-second hold at the top; that’ll insure you didn’t momentum-swing the weight up, and it’ll depress the amount of weight you can do period. #fitness #training #shoulders #hatebottomsup

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Polukružno dizanje girja

Ostanite u klečećem položaju. Girju uzmite u obje ruke, a potom polako kružnim pokretom izvedite dva okreta u smjeru kazaljki na satu, a potom to isto ponovite u suprotnom smjeru. Vježbu ponovite u tri seta od 14 do 16 ponavljanja.

Frontalno dizanje bučica

Veoma je bitno zauzeti pravilan stav uz ispravljenu kičmu. Uzeti odgovarajuću kilažu kojom možete pravilno odraditi tri seta od 12 ponavljanja. Dizati bučicu malo iznad visine ramena.

Can never do too much pull work! The aim in this back workout isn’t to go crazy with weight, but to be clean with technique. Go lighter than you think on the banded row superset. ************************************ 1) alternating dumbbell bent-over rows: 4 sets of 10-12 reps 2) uneven grip pull-ups: 6 sets of 8-10 reps. Make sure you’re getting high on that bar. Alternate the underhand/overhand mix of arms every set. 3) forward resistance banded rows superset w/ lateral resistance banded rows: 4 sets, do 10-12 reps of the first move, then 6-8 of the second for each arm. The second phase, really try to fight the band and own your torso position…it’ll force a lot of core anti-rotation activity. 4) banded triangle single-arm straight arm pulldown w/ ISO: 3 sets 8-10 per arm. Do this one right and it’ll really fire up your back at the end. You’re pulling down AND apart with the working arm, maintaining that pull position with the other arm. #fitness #training #backday #fullworkout

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